Friday, August 26, 2011

Open Water Diver (Confront Water Dive)

Well well, I've tell you something about PADI dive course in my previous post so now let me show you one of the learning session during the course.

Confront Water Dive ( pool session)
A session where your instructor will teach the how to put and replace your scuba units, how to control you buoyancy underwater, how to use the scuba unit and etc. 

Before getting your session started, your instructor will need you to perform some basic swimming skills. Swim for 10 yards with no limited time and float youself on the water surface for 10 minutes.

Your instructor will brief you on what skills you're about to learn before he brings you down to the pool.

Here you'll learn how to get into the water. There're many ways to get into the water of course, but this is one of the way that I learned and its called A Big Stride.
Left hand on your weight buckle, right hand on mask and regulator. Breath in and take a big step to the water.
 Sammy: "opsss here I come. Splasshhhh"

How to breath with a snorkel on the water surface

Deflate or buoyancy control device (BCD) to sink. 
Important note: Never ever hold your breath underwater, breath normally like how you are on the surface to avoid lung over expand which will lead you to severe lung injuries or even death.

The instructor is teaching you how to control your buoyancy under the water.

Yay! I've met some of the skills requirements

 This is an OK? OK. sign. The way you communicate with others underwater

Learning how to disconnect your Low Pressure Hose under the water

And here you are. I've met all the underwater skills requirements! kekeke...

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